So you’ve been cooped up inside and wondering when this will end right – at least the majority reading this will be. Its spring where I am and autumn where I was born and round about now, the sun is at perfect intensity for walks, and restocking on vit D which is manufactured by exposure to the sun. You cannot join group sun therapy sessions in crowded parks and streets but there are options.
Open the window for as long as possible to let in some fresh air. With the implementation of social isolation globally, the world has the reaped the unintended environmental benefits of reduced ground and air traffic, and reduced factory activity. Embrace this rarity, stick your head out and BREEEEEEATHE (allergy sufferers take caution).
If your apartment has a window that lets sun in, do what I witnessed in the small mountain kingdom of Lesotho, take a chair and follow that sun around the room till it disappears- you’ll be surprised how much you can soak in. Have a balcony? Put on some SPF and spend time outside, birds are giving concerts like never before. If you have a yard, no matter how small, this can be the perfect opportunity to grow your garden.
Your hair deserves some TLC during this lock down. In a previous blog we learned about Vitamin D and how Vitamin D deficiency can cause hair to fall out. Remember, your doctor can diagnose and treat vitamin D deficiency accordingly, but there is no harm in doing your bit by sensibly soaking in some sun.
As I prepare to plant my seeds I prep the soil, remove the weeds and aerate the soil. Like plants need nutrient beds, sun, and water, our hair also needs a solid base to foster healthy growth, moisture, and nutrients.
Visit past and present blogs to learn how to take care of your hair. Stay hydrated, and if you are able, eat your 7 food colors to get the nutrients you need. Starting a potted veggie garden or planting a fully-fledged vegetable garden could be a project that will pay off way beyond this COVID- 19 lock down.