We all know that stage in our journey to the shoulder when we simply have no clue what to do with our hair. I reached that middle of the road stage when I had about 8-10 cms of length. The relationship I had with my hair was at its worst. The temptation to cut it back down to that cute short fro, the suave Anita Baker, the easy to manage buzz fade is familiar to anyone who has set a goal to grow their hair.
Hair grows at a rate of approximately ½ cm per month
The speed at which your hair grows is not just genetically determined
Just because you don’t see your hair looking longer, that doesn’t mean your hair is not growing. Your hair is definitely growing, but you are probably trimming the ends daily with your comb or brush without realizing it.
On average, hair that is shoulder length is about 2 years old
Even if you have an oily scalp, the curlier and longer your hair is, the drier the ends will be if you don’t follow the right moisturizing regimen.
The smaller your curls, the more likely you are to have encountered those teeny-tiny knots that seemingly appear from nowhere, but don't worry! In a later blog, we'll address how to safely combat single strand knots.
The process of Washday can not only be complex, but it can also be extremely time consuming. There is little you can do here if you are already following the right steps, BUT you can put the job in the hands of a haircare professional (I only wish I had that option from the beginning of my middle length stage!)
I always felt discouraged as I could never manipulate my thin hair strands into Diana Ross level fros, but I have now discovered so many options- simple and complex- that I can comfortably revert back to during any occasion. Just remember not to force your hair into a style your hair length is not ready for (see: RESTORING MY HAIRLINE). Stay in your lane.
The best thing I did was to eliminate my Washday anxieties and create a routine. I create a much needed ‘me time’ slot when I close the door, create my own spa atmosphere, put on some music, and set forth with the goal to manage dryness and eliminate my single strand knots. I call it my hair spa day and I cannot wait for it to come around every week. Attitude is everything!
Now put those scissors away and check out some great in-between styles you can try yourself.
(If you are interested in your own customized hair-care plan, email us at info@frosense.com to join our paid subscription service)
stay tuned...