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Updated: Mar 27, 2020

How I Reclaimed My Hair

Admittedly, I was not aware of the curly hair revolution (or evolution?) until 2017. Where was I? Probably getting my weave installed. Don’t get me wrong, my adoration for all things curly hair hasn’t diminished my love for weaves, braids, and the like. I have an unparalleled love and appreciation for all safe-styles, BUT hear me out.

This discovery of my curly hair capabilities could not have come at a better time for me. I was going through the worst hair crisis. Years of relaxing and pulling my sparse and breaking hair into tight styles had seen both my edges and hair density diminish. I was desperate for change and had to do something before my bald spots and sparse edges became my identifying factor! Like many, I watched YouTube hair tutorials until night became day. I worshiped hair goddesses and hoped one day I would have my miracle transformation. I wished that- like them -I could have strong hair draping my shoulders, manipulated into styles that embraced my curls.

Years of relaxing and pulling my sparse and breaking hair into tight styles had seen both my edges and hair density diminish


Once I realized that miracles are made in motion, I was checking and verifying gigabytes and reams of information, sifting out fact from fiction, and rereading my dusty medical books from cover page to end. I eventually graduated to mixing my own products, trying different formulations to get the miracle growth that I was observing all over the net (more about ‘home pharma’ exploits that in the future).

I then started experimenting: mixing my own products and trying different formulations in hopes of achieving the miracle growth that I'd dreamed of (more about ‘home pharma’ exploits that in the future).

After some hits and misses, I began to observe positive changes in both my hair density and hairline, a result that I can attribute not only to my new miracle product alone, but the identification of what methods worked for me.

I began to observe positive changes in both my hair density and hairline

Before I go any further, I would like to make it clear that what worked and continues to work for me may not necessarily work for you. My hair grows out of my head in its own unique way driven by genetics, diet and state of health. The damage I had was also specific: the results of a slew of actions that I had taken in the past. This cocktail can never be replicated 100%, even by myself. It addressed the unique challenges I faced at that time. With the progression of my hair journey, I am still continuously faced with new challenges, but my approach remains the same:


Patchy, thin, breaking hair


Stop Breakage Restore my Hairline Deal with Single Strand Knots Increase Length

STEP 3: TAKE DECISIVE STEPS TO DEAL WITH THE ISSUE(S) In the next couple of blogs I will take you through steps on how I achieved my goals.



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